About Michel Chiha

Family, Childhood, Career

About Chiha Foundation

La Maison des Champs

Preface translation in english :

A poem will outlast an empire. Such is the strength of the Human Spirit. It is the cadential repository for remembering past generations.
The prerogatives granted in this century to Science must surely be equaled in the edifying arts of Poetry and Prose.
Poetry is a child of Liberty and more a child of Sorrow than of Joy.  It is to be found in Sunlight and in Silence, at Daybreak and in the Night.  Poetry restores a man’s future. It pacifies and elates. It is divine in its essence. It is Confidence, it is Prayer.
It is all-encompassing. It is Liturgy, it is the Morning Star. It is Mysticism and a House of Gold. It is the Ark of the Covenant. It is the consolation of afflictions and the savior of sinners.
There are times where, without Poetry, all consolation and hope are lost; when Nature herself goes unheard. Yet, from the depths of the abyss, we call and are called upon by the unfathomable power of Poetry overall consciousness.

Innovation and Creativity stem from it. From the fullness with which it fills a man’s heart, the afflicted like the intuitive are propelled onward.
Today, like Liberty itself, Poetry often has to carry the burdens of Tyranny. As equally painful as the awesomeness of this new century, Poetry is chained like Andromeda, defenseless and exposed to the fury of monsters.
It is enough to talk about Poetry for it to be heard. It is enough to say its name to conjure warmth and the quickening of the blood.
Those who govern without horizons or joyfulness have no knowledge of its blessing. Where Poetry prospers problems and woes diminish and those alive bear less resemblance to the dead.

Through this collection of poems emerges the image of his muse: Marguerite.

In one of his poems, (on page 19 of “La Maison des Champs” published in PDF version below), we note these verses dedicated to her:

« Un visage pur et calme

De jeune fille aux yeux doux,

Flexible comme une palme

Claire autant qu’une nuit d’août »



« Tu vins alors ma petite

Apaiser le hourvari,

A cette rime où j’hésite

A mettre to nom fleuri. »

Full Publications

  • Download Michel Chiha's book of poems (in French)