Inter scholar competition 2019

Since its inception in 1954 the Michel Chiha Foundation has been committed to introducing to new generations of Lebanese his concept of Lebanon and as a founding member of the nation, spreading his thoughts and ideas on the nature of modern Lebanon. To this end, the Foundation organises an annual inter-school contest aimed at pupils from ‘Seconde, Premiere and Terminal’ classes. This year, 500 students from across the country took part in this competition.

The yearly chosen topic relating to issues still relevant to this day is meant to guide students in their research process. The 2019 theme chosen by the Foundation related to ‘citizen and citizenship’ and was illustrated hereunder by the following quote from Michel Chiha:

“To strictly abide by our duty as a citizen is one robust resolution we could embrace. What is missing perhaps the most at the moment is a sense of public duty, a feeling for the common interest, an appreciation of the community. Whether it is obedience to the Laws, payment of taxes, or civic service in any form, we must submit to the necessary burdens imposed on us by life in society, and, at the same time, we must learn to take into account Lebanese characteristics when it comes to this life in society.”
January 3rd, 1945: Citizenship and social duties

The award ceremony was held at the Bristol Hotel on Saturday May 4th, 2019.

Please find herewith the Press Releases (Ar, Fr, En.) with the name of the winners and details of the award ceremony. Also newsletters in english and french


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